10 Steps for Success with Stakeholder Relationship Management

Optimizing the efficiency and outcomes of projects, policies, and programs is a key priority for 2023 for leadership teams. As budgets tighten, it’s more important than ever to make sure programs are efficient and deliver the best outcomes.
Coordinating activity across teams, especially when it relates to external and internal stakeholders is a critical part of effective program and project management.
Despite its importance, many leaders in both the public and private sector are uncertain about where to get started with stakeholder relationship management and how to optimize it’s benefits.
In this webinar we explore these topics and provide insight on how to effectively deploy stakeholder management to achieve success in your organization.
Allison Hendricks, Stakeholder Relationship Expert and CEO @Simply Stakeholders.
Webinar Topics
- What exactly is Stakeholder Relationship Management
- Who uses stakeholder relationship management and what benefits do these companies achieve
- What are today’s best practices in deploying a stakeholder relationship management solution that can help develop actionable strategies that lead to better project outcomes, lower risk, and enhanced organizational reputation